Finding Center

Heyd and Seek

One of the first things I learned in piano lessons was how to find Middle C.  With 88 notes to choose from, it is not as easy as you might think. Middle C is, well, right in the middle of the piano and it is the dividing line between bass and treble clefs; the low and high registers. It is right at the center of sound.  When I sit down at a keyboard now the first thing I do - without even thinking about it - is find Middle C. Find my center. It’s as natural as breathing. And then the music flows. 

I’ve missed playing the piano since we’ve been here. Both Michael and I are musicians and it has been tough not having our instruments. That’s one of the down sides of backpacking: pianos are just not that portable.

Returning home to the States next week will be awesome. We are definitely looking forward to it in a lot of ways. But it is also stressful. We will have to find jobs again, and work hard to make up for the lack of work while we were here. We have done a lot of goal setting and know what we want to do in the next few years. The hard part will be doing it.  Don't worry, though, I will still be blogging so you can keep up with where we are and what we are doing.

So, I’m reminding myself to breathe. Reminding myself that it is still true: every little thing’s going to be all right (it's my theme song). I’m finding my center, and letting the music flow. And when we get back to Michigan you will find me at the piano, teaching my little one how to find Middle C.  

how to find middle c
(from December 2012)


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