Baby Sign Language

When Cassie was about 6 months old we started teaching her some sign language; just a few basics like “milk,” “eat,” “drink,” “more,” and “please.”  It wasn’t long before she got the hang of it and at 9 or 10 months she was doing the signs herself.  Shortly after that she started taking advantage of her new skills. Even if she was not hungry or thirsty, but just wanting attention, she learned that doing the sign for “milk” meant that mommy would pick her up. That’s my girl. Work the system.

We have had a blast communicating with Cassie through sign. It really is amazing how much kids can understand long before their speech muscles develop. It is fascinating to hear her little personality develop. The other day we were playing hide-and-seek/peek-a-boo, and she kept asking (using sign) for “more.”  I would hide around a corner, then surprise her and say “boo!” She would fall down laughing hysterically, and then get up and ask for “more.”  Yes, yes, my sweet girl, we can have more fun.

I only wish I knew more sign language to teach her. Even though I studied a little bit of American Sign Language (ASL) a long time ago, I hardly remembered any of it. However, one of my best friends is a Deaf Education Specialist, and she recommends using ASL signs with babies instead of some other methods that use “baby sign” or simplified versions of ASL. Why not teach the official signs at the beginning so they are learning a true language? Makes sense to me.

We found some books online and taught ourselves a few basic signs. It was easy, and fun! There are many options out there, but if you are interested, here are two of the books we found helpful in learning baby sign language.  They are both available on Amazon, and as e-books.  


  1. maybe Aunt Addie can teach us all more sign language when we visit


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