10 Mantras for Tired Moms

Mantras for Tired Moms

1. I Will Not Beat Myself Up. There are enough haters in the world. I don't have to be one of them. Especially to myself. I will be kind to myself. My inner voice will be positive and encouraging. 

2. I will do *at least* one thing just for me every day. Self-care is a top priority. No one else is going to do this for me. I can not wait for some one to rescue me or tell me to go take a hot bath. I have to do it myself, on purpose, with no regrets. 

3. I use my position as a mother to build up and fortify my children. They look to me for their identity, their worth, their value as a person. I must use this power for good. I choose my words carefully because what I say becomes their inner voice. 

4. I am strong, capable, and loved. Yes, I am. I will not listen to the insecurity that wants to keep me weak or chained down. I have all the power I need to live a full, happy, meaningful life.

5. I am not responsible for anyone else's happiness. Happiness is a choice, so I choose to be happy now. Let other people have their emotions, but they don't have to drag me down.

6. I take care of my body because I love myself.  I make sleep a priority. I feed myself good food, and drink plenty of water. I treat my body like I would one of my children. 

7. I forgive those who have hurt me. Life is too short for grudges. I let go of my right to be offended at you, or her, or them. You may have to deal with the consequences of your actions, but at the same time, I forgive you and release you.

8. I slow down and am present in this moment. I don't live in past regrets, or future anxieties. All I have is the here and now. 

9. I am thankful. Each day I cultivate gratitude and each day I find more things to enjoy. Keeping a gratitude journal helps, and then it becomes a habit and just flows freely. Joy comes with gratitude. 

10. I let go of perfection and embrace life. I choose to live today like it is the best day of my life. Even if the dishes are piled up, and we have cereal for dinner, and there are dust bunnies in the corners. This is my life! My one glorious life! And it doesn't have to look like any one else's. I'm cool with that.


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