This Crazy Beautiful Life

We have been in Costa Rica for almost five months, and are having an amazing time. But in two weeks we will be heading back to the U.S.  What we have learned in our travels so far is that we need to have money in order to keep going! Unfortunately our original plan to get jobs teaching English didn’t pan out, for numerous reasons: mainly because teaching jobs here will not support a family of three. So we are going back home to work, spend time with family, and get our online income more sustainable so we can get back out to see more of the world with the mobility of the internet. 

We are excited to be going back to the States. Back to the land of pizza and good cheese and real butter... did I mention how much I miss the food? But we will miss life here as well.  I will write more about all the things we've learned on this trip, but most of all I think I will miss the laid-back lifestyle we've adopted in Costa Rica. Everything takes longer to do, so the pace of the day is much slower than in the US. Doing laundry, for example, is an all day event. Hanging the clothes to dry may take 24 hours or more. Especially if it is raining.

We are going to endeavor to see and do some more fun touristy things in the area this coming week, so we will have more stories to tell when we get back. It wouldn't do if all we could say about Costa Rica is, "they sure do have a lot of trees." 

Right after we get back Cassie will turn one year old. I can't believe how fast her "baby year" flew by. And I am so, so grateful that we got to spend it together as a family. Everyone was right when they said becoming a parent will change your life. We took it literally and moved to a different country, but more than that, we are changed forever because loving someone that much requires a bigger heart... and love continues to change you so you are bigger on the inside. Stronger. And more able to cope with life's challenges. When plans don't work out the way you'd imagined, for example, you have the strength to take one more step toward your dream, even if it feels like a step backward. We started this trip because of love, and we are going to start a new chapter together as a family, still pursuing our dreams, still making crazy, life-changing moves, and mostly enjoying Every. Single. Day. of this beautiful life.


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